Can you believe it? Imagine the mimicry of a hushed gossip tone at the watercooler, used in most professions. It wasn't a man or a feminazi who shed light on the gender stereotypes but machine learning, text mining and tools of econometrics at the fingertips of Alice H Wu , through which thousands of posts on an anonymous online forum that actually revealed trends in the gender stereotypes for women in economics and technology. Before I write a blog post, it's customary to research, motivate, inspire and ultimately take an educated perspective on the topic with a large dose of self-reflection. This post isn't going to be any different. The Missing Link - Women in Economics and Technology As the end of the Summer Term fast approaches, bringing with it final examinations for the year, albeit postponed, creating further uncertainty in the COVID-19 scenario, I needed motivation. I thought of beginning with the first step - finding role models of women in economics and technolo...
An evolving mind in academia brings you its revelations in the field of Economics, Management and Technology.